The cookie consent flyout doesn't appear
The cookie consent feature requires the Cookie Consent package to be deployed with your website. Open the Website settings dialog in the Website ribbon tab...
Sam, 30 Oct., 2021 à 3:34 H
The message "Unable to load this chart. The Charts Package may have been disabled." appears on the published pages.
The Charts feature requires the JS Charts package to be deployed with your website. Open the Website settings dialog in the Website ribbon tab, go to the P...
Sam, 30 Oct., 2021 à 3:39 H
Clicking on images has no effect even after activating the "zoom on click" option in PageFabric.
This feature requires the Medium Zoom Package to be deployed with your website. Open the Website settings dialog in the Website ribbon tab, go to the Pac...
Sam, 30 Oct., 2021 à 3:42 H
My Formatted Code Parts don't render colored syntax
Formatted Code is not rendered in the editor. The coloring is applied when the website is published. Edit your code in the editor and select the language y...
Sam, 30 Oct., 2021 à 3:54 H